Benefits of Selling Your House for Cash - Cash for Homes Portland

Benefits of Selling Your House for Cash

Selling for Cash is Smart

Although homes are a symbol of the American Dream, with homeownership sought after by United States citizens from South Beach to Portland, Oregon, many end up selling their homes for various reasons: bitter breakups, desires to buy new homes, and moving across the country, among many others. Regardless of your unique, individual needs, selling one’s home is associated with a host of benefits.

Viable Advantages of Selling Your Home for Cash

  1. We can buy your home literally within hours of committing to walkthroughs / viewing your house.
  2. Our reputation in the Portland area market is second to none – we’ll be fair and honest throughout the buying process.
  3. All homes are purchased through the state’s official clearing house.
  4. We will never say “if” when buying homes – we either buy, or don’t, as is – no monkey business!
  5. Our home buying process rarely, if ever, exceeds longer than 72 hours.
  6. Say goodbye to mountains of paperwork, selling for cash + our selling agreements means only a few short pages.
  7. Selling to us / selling for cash means eradicating the dishonesty associated with real estate sales based on commissions.

Say “Goodbye” to greedy real estate agents and keep ALL of your profits

Stereotypes regarding real estate agents circulate for a reason, as more often than not they are costing home sellers and buyers excessive fees, hassles, and other a myriad of other associated pitfalls.

Unfortunately for you, realtors never guarantee sales

Even though these far-from-trusty agents require sizable commissions for their “help,” it’s impossible for these under-equipped middlemen to guarantee closing on your home. We’ll pay all cash and close on the spot.

Realtor deals often fall through

Seeing as agents work off of others’ words, many potential buyers often back out, resulting in innumerable letdowns.

Closing takes forever when using realtors

The closing process typically takes longer than one month, if not up to three long, grueling months, preventing you from quickly earning your sales profit.

If you are interested in finding out more about how selling your house for cash can benefit you, please get in touch with us today!